Thursday, March 29, 2007

Legit Work At Home Jobs - How To Get Started

From the desk of Jay Harris:

How To Get Started

If you currently have a job, you may want to break into your home-based business on a part-time basis until you've built up a large enough earnings base to leave. There will probably be no greater feeling than when you walk out the door and into a business where you call the shots!
If you're between jobs, then by all means go at this full-force. All you need to do is to contact the businesses listed here that interest you and begin the process of determining if this is right for you.

There may be several opportunities here that are franchises. There is no available data that says that electing to go the franchise route to start your business has any lower success rate than beginning a new business from scratch. Again, view these choices with an open mind and investigate the opportunity thoroughly before making the commitment. If you're working part or full time, you can be even choosier, perhaps.

Franchises are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC. If you have any questions, or you wish to order some of the publications the FTC puts out on franchises, contact them at:

Federal Trade Commission
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Division of Enforcement
Pennsylvania Ave. at 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-2970
In addition, several states have agencies that specifically administer their own state-specific franchise disclosure laws. This should be part of your evaluation of these business opportunities.

These states are:
California Hawaii
Franchise Division Franchise & Securities Division
Department of Corporations State Dept. of Commerce
3700 Wilshire Blvd. #600 1010 Richards Street
Los Angeles, CA 90010 Honolulu, HI 96813
Illinois Indiana

Franchise Division Franchise Division Office of Att'y
Gen. 500 South 2nd Street
Office of Sec'y of State Suite E-111
302 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204
Springfield, IL 62706
Maryland Michigan

Franchise Office Antitrust & Franchise Off.
Division of Securities Office of Att'y General
200 St. Paul Pl. 20th Fl. P.O. Box 30215
Baltimore, MD 21202 Lansing, MI 48909
Minnesota New York

Franchise Division Franchise & Securities Div.
Department of Commerce State Dept. of Law
133 East 7th Street 120 Broadway
St. Paul, MN 55101 New York, NY 10271
North Dakota Oregon

Franchise Division Corp. & Securities Div.
Office of Securities Dept. of Insurance and
Finance 600 East Blvd. 5th Commission
Bismarck, ND 58505 Labor & Industries Bldg.
Salem, OR 97310
Rhode Island South Dakota

Franchise Office Franchise Office
Division of Securities Division of Securities
233 Richmond St. #232 118 W. Capitol Ave.
Providence, RI 02903 Pierre, SD 57501
Virginia Washington

Franchise Office Franchise Office
State Corporation Business License Services
Commission State Securities Division 1300 E.
Main St. 9th Fl. P.O. Box 9033
Richmond, VA 23219 Olympia, WA 98507

Franchise Office
Wisconsin Securities Commission
P.O. Box 1768
Madison, WI 53701
As you can see, not every state has a franchise office regulating these businesses. In that case, you can check with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which acts as a national overseer.
You can also see if the franchise is part of:

International Franchise Association
1350 New York Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20005

This way you can see if the franchise you have an interest in is a member of IFA. Members of this organization must meet stringent eligibility requirements, especially regarding financial strength. They also have several publications available on the various aspects of acquiring and starting a franchise business.

You're ready to begin your search! The following pages will list a number of opportunities. We hope one will be right for you!

If you're ready to start making serious money online here’s a great resource that will help you hit the ground running. It’s call “Your Guide To Making Money Online.” Visit the website:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Legit Work At Home Jobs - Self Employment

From the desk of Jay Harris:

I am here to help you find legit work at home jobs as well at the best home based business opportunities. Read today’s report…


The world of self-employment can be a personally and financially rewarding one for the right individual. Many people dream of owning their own business but don't believe it will ever happen for them. The majority of these folks see all the positives of working for themself, but lack the drive and determination to make the transition from employee to employer.

Self-employment is the ticket to higher earnings without limit and the right to control and work your own schedule. But it's not easy work. A lot of self-employed people are working longer hours and weeks than ever in their own business. The difference is they are doing work they truly enjoy, and are getting paid for it!

You have the talent and ability to work on your own! Perhaps you're just not sure what business you'd like to specialize in. That's where this book can help!

We've listed a number of home-based business and franchise opportunities in this booklet based on the latest information available to us. From this assortment of listings, you will probably recognize some that will have a definite appeal to you. This is the first step to taking off with your own business: knowing what you want to do. Beyond that, if you have the fortitude to plow through the first few months, you will ultimately be successful.

A number of these businesses will have you involved as a sales representative of the company, working out of your own home. While many people feel "turned off" by salespeople, remember the important part a salesperson plays in any business.

A product usually has to be sold, right? There aren't many items that you are tuned in to where you can walk straight into a store and pick them out. Usually you hear about a certain product through advertising, such as direct mail or a notice in a local publication. If it catches your eye, you pursue it.

Believe it or not, you've just been "sold" that product. The person responsible for marketing the product to an audience elected to attract clientele through an advertising approach. This is selling, too!

Sales aren't just the slick folks in the automobile showroom who want to know what it will take to get you in that car today. Selling is the process by which a product reaches a consumer. It can take many forms. If you have some preconceived ideas about sales right now, erase them from your mind. Start with a clean slate by remaining open to all possibilities in your home-based business.

After all, if you're marketing a product you would buy yourself, it will be easy to convince others of its value. Since you're selecting the right business opportunity, you'll unquestionably choose the business that has the most appeal to you. Selling something you love almost never feels like work or real selling!

If you're ready to start making serious money online here’s a great resource that will help you hit the ground running. It’s call “Your Guide To Making Money Online.” Visit the website: